SOLAHIS Financials
Revenue From:
Colombia - 2.2%
Donations - 42.4%
Gala - 11.9%
Sponsorship - 11.4%
Other Sources - 0.2%
Golf Tournament - 11.1%
Post Secondary Fund - 6.5%
Food - 10.2%
Payroll - 0.3%
Children's Programs - 0.9%
Coffee Sales Revenue - 2.2%
Missions Trip - 0.6%
Government Grant (Summer Intern) - 0.1%
Expenses For:
Children's Programs - 2.7%
Food Medical and Dental (Including Medication) - 11.6%
Mental Health Support - 0.7%
Education (Including School Supplies) - 0.3%
Post Secondary Programs - 1.4%
Family Programs - 6.9%
Property Improvement and Maintenance 0.4%
Payroll 48.3%
Operations - 24.6%