Food Programs
Food Services
5-6 Days/week, all of the children in our program are fed a well-balanced nutritious lunch.
Basic Cooking Classes:
We have professionals who teach basic cooking classes to parents and post-secondary students in our program.
We provide them with education on how to cook meals with the food they have available to them.
Let The Kids Cook With Me:
We offer cookie-making classes for kids ages 5-8,
We teach the children how to bake, and the snacks are used for food for other programs.
Nutrition Classes:
A nutritionist teaches nutritionist classes to the youth and families in our program.
Eating Etiquettes:
Youth aged 12-25 are taught table manners and etiquette through food-based education classes.
Being Good Stewards:
Recycling and compost training and initiatives for the community are hosted to teach stewardship and care for our center and the community.